It is easier to say what jurisprudence
is not, than to say what it is. The
definition of any area of study is useful only insofar as it illuminates and
does not constrict. It is always tempting to ask for definition of areas of law
or legal study. Attempts to meet the demand may, however, be at best misguided
and at worst positively misleading.
Among the many dangers inherent in the
search for definitions, two are particularly relevant to the present study.
First, definition may precede adequate knowledge of the subject-matter sought
to be defined, and misconception may be formed at the outset. Second, and just
as serious, the definition presented may in turn lead to the imposition on the
matter defined of artificial limits not corresponding to practical necessity and
This book does not cover the whole field of jurisprudence. Its concern is with legal theory, with the principal method which have been used to describe and analyse the essential constituent elements in the phenomenon “law”. Nevertheless, the study of legal theory is but one aspect, albeit a major one, of jurisprudence; the introductory remarks in this chapter may therefore be of assistance in other jurisprudential studies which are not within our preset compass. A hard-and-fast distinction between jurisprudence in general and legal theory in particular is not truly tenable. Based merely on the verbal connotations of these two terms, it will fail to illuminate their nature. Nor will it be to attempt to differentiate legal theory from general jurisprudence on account of their respective contents. While jurisprudence study may be made of individual legal concept such as possession, negligence and corporation, the concern of legal theory is also centred on a legal concept, that is, law itself. Be the analysis of the nature of law as a whole or of particular legal concepts within it, too many features are common to both types of analysis to justify any distinction sought to be drawn between them.
Broadly speaking, legal theory involves
a study of the characteristic features essential to law and common to legal
systems. Its object is the analysis of the basic elements of law which make it
law and distinguish it from other forms of rules and standards, from system of
order which cannot be described as legal systems, and from other social
phenomena. It has not proved possible to reach a final and dogmatic answer to
the questions “What is law?” or to provide exclusive to the many questions
which have been posed about its essential nature. The claim of a course in
legal theory is not that is produces conclusively definitive answers. Its value
lies, rather, in a study of the light which juristic work has shed on the
distinctive attributes of law. An examination of the relative merits and
demerits of some principal expositions of the subject, focusing attention on
their points of strength and weakness, is a convenient method of assessing the
varying results. Such conclusions as are expounded in the following chapters
arise not from any attempts at exclusive definition; they spring, rather, from
the juxtaposition and comparison of variety of legal analyses, differing in
nature but often equal in merit.
Problems of Definition
The definition of the area of study
entailed by legal theory is but a minor issue when set among the multitude of
problems of definition which have confronted jurists in the development of
their analyses of law. The variety of contexts in which the term “law” may suitably
be employed is too great to allow of one definition of that concept to the
exclusion of all others. An exclusive definitive nation of the nature of law
may be too restricted to be of use outside the terms of reference of the jurist
who adopts it; or else to general a definition may, in an attempt to satisfy
everyone, satisfy none.
The conceptual nature of law prevents
its susceptibility to forms of definition commonly used in relation to physical
objects. When a thing is being defined, the general category to which it belong
may be first outlined, and the particular species to which it belongs within
the general category may then be marked off. This form is known as definition per genus et differentiam. An elephant,
for instance, may be defined by first allocating it to general category of
mammals, and then further specified by a description of particular
characteristic, a trunk, large feet, a tail and so on.
If this form of definition were suitable
in the case of law, debates about the essential nature and characteristics of
the concepts would not have been pursued since time immemorial. Most account of
the nature of law and legal phenomena consist, not of definition, but rather of
characteristic descriptions. Such is the nature of law that it is impossible
first to outline a general category to which it belongs, and then so specify
the distinguishing features of law which mark it off and indicate its
particular province within this general category. Difficulties of precise
definition are further compounded when it is realized that disputants in this
field are frequently moved by any number of social or ideological reason when
advancing their suggestion as to the nature of law, and are not concerned only
to achieve a logical analysis to the exclusion of relevant human and social
values. The term “law” is so wide and can be employed in so many different
contexts that jurist will frequently, in reality, be talking about different
things. Their opinions may vary according to the objects they have in mind, their
background, their education and the social, political and economic climate in
which they work.
That it is not always the same thing
which is sought to be defined in differing analyses of the nature of law may be
far from obvious. The student of legal theory will find it difficult to assimilate approaches which appear as
different as chalk and cheese. If one essential distinction is borne in mind,
however, much confusion may be avoided. In any comparative study of legal
theory, a distinction must be maintained between the character of law and the
content of law, or rather of laws. Separate consideration must be given to
“law” in a conceptual sense and to “laws” in the sense of individual legal
rules. Some analyses of the nature of law are disorientated by want of this
distinction. Some criticisms of these analyses have themselves fallen into this
very trap. When the same word may be used to refer to aspects of the essential
character of law and also to the specific content of a law or legal rule, problems
of definition abound.
in Legal Theory
Not unassociated with the desire to
define or delimit the ambit of legal theory and the concept of law itself is
the habit of believing that the views of a particular jurist are adequately
presented by the devices of labeling him under some general description of a
class of jurist-classified by some trait or sympathy prominent in their works. Schools
of thought and general movement in thought there certainly are; but Mars is
hardly described by merely stating that it is a planet in the solar system. Nor
is the solar system described by a list, however long, of its major members.
Here name-dropping serves no worthwhile purpose. Without a discussion of their
context and the reason which underlie them, a mere list of cases decided by the
courts on a particular topic throws no light on the topic itself. Similarly in
legal theory, a mere catalogue of the names of jurists who have contributed to
the discussion of some particular problem adds little, if anything, to a
worthwhile exposition and explanation of the problem itself.
It is true, for the sake of convenience
and easy reference, the major surveys of legal theory adopt general
classifications of juristic work. Headings which are frequently encountered include
natural law theories, analytical positivism, modern realism, sociological
approaches, historical approaches, and so on. Students are warned, however, to
avoid the pitfall of believing that their task is done by memorising in
tabulated or similar form a list of juristic works alongside the titles of
general classifications. That should come, if at all, at the end of their
studies and not at the beginning for the purpose of fitting in pieces of the
jigsaw-puzzle once we have gone some way toward gaining an overall picture of
the subject-matter to be examined, such elaborations may be useful to the
extent that they are illustrative, but to that extent only. It may well be
found that many, if not most, jurist may ultimately be included within a
particular category or movement in thought; but to assume that the work of a
jurist should display certain features which typify his “classification” would
be to do him a disservice. That would be to put the cart before the horse. It
is of foremost importance to examine what a jurist has actually written and of
minimal significance to know the classifying term which commentators have
subsequently attached to his views.
Variations in Approach
It is remarkable fact or legal theory that so many different ideas, so many different form of expression, have been used to describe what might appear to be one and the same thing. When we commonly refer to law, a readily understandable meaning is usually attached to what is said in typical contexts such as “What is the law on this matter?” or “I am studying law.” Why, then, all the discussion about what law is?
Variations in Approach
It is remarkable fact or legal theory that so many different ideas, so many different form of expression, have been used to describe what might appear to be one and the same thing. When we commonly refer to law, a readily understandable meaning is usually attached to what is said in typical contexts such as “What is the law on this matter?” or “I am studying law.” Why, then, all the discussion about what law is?
The diversity of opinion comes from
persons intimately connected with the law amongst whom a degree of consistency
might be expected. One explanation of the absence of such consistency lies in
the fact that the analysis of law differs from the types of analysis employed
in the natural sciences. A principal reason for this difference is to be found
in the relationship between method of investigation and character of the subject-matter
to be investigated. The distinction between prescription and description must
be mentioned here, thought this distinction will not be examined in detail
until the following chapter. The formation of laws is a purposive and
prescriptive task. A prohibitory or empowering law is passed by a legislature
for a certain reason and with a certain purpose behind it. Furthermore, this
regulation of the conduct of people is itself operated by people. The accounts
which are given of this enterprise and of the creature, law, which thereby
comes into being, are the result of description. Put shortly, the legislator
prescribes and jurist or commentator describes the effect of what the
legislature has done, in the course of his wider description of legal phenomena
as a whole. The legislator (used here to refer to all organs of a legal system
with lawmaking power) is no doubt concerned with past, present and future
circumstances which condition the purpose behind his actions. His primary
concern is, however, the prescriptive task of saying what shall or ought to
happen, the description of circumstances in the background of his laws being of
secondary importance only. The legislator may, indeed, be quite unconcerned
with anything but the law making of a new law, though in practice this will be
The methods of investigation adopted by
the jurist engaged in the task of describing legal phenomena are necessarily
conditioned by the nature of subject-matter to be examined. With reference to
this feature of the analysis of data the task of the jurist or legal theorist
differs fundamentally from his opposite number, the expositor or commentator in
the field of natural science. Chemistry, for instance, stands for the methods
of investigation employed by chemists, and for the principles of matter which
are elucidated by these methods. The objects under scrutiny are physical, in
one from another of physical existence as specific entities. Law, on the other
hand, is not synonymous with legal science. Nor is law a thing or a physical
fact which lends itself to the analytical treatment used in the natural
sciences. Its essentially prescriptive character precludes such an approach.
Opinions vary as to the nature of law,
the reasons for its existence as a social phenomenon, the characteristic which
differentiate it from other forms of regulation and from other institutions of
society, as to the place of morality in the law, as to the part which physical
force does or ought to play, as to the distinguishing characteristics of those
who are or who ought to be legally authoritative, and so on. As mentioned, the
term “law” may refer both to the nature of a social phenomenon and also to the
actual provisions of a legal system whether generally or individually. This
variability in meaning, together with the widely varying backgrounds and
purpose of all the writers to have tackled problems associated with the nature
of law, has had a considerable influence on the great variety of methods which
have been adopted in the analysis of the nature of law. Moreover the connection
with each writer has with the operation of a particular legal system, with the
creation of laws or with their administration as a practitioner or legal
official, or with the teaching of law, or with the study of its nature or of
philosophies concerned with law, may exercise some considerable bearing on the
type of account which is given. No jurist can conceal his education, his social
philosophy, or his ideology forever; nor do many seek to do so.
The ideologies or value-system
underlying some of the theories to be treated in this book will be obvious. The
clearest example is Marxist doctrine which has given rise to a concept of law,
or of its purpose, directly based on a political philosophy. No less obvious
are the values at the base of some major trends in natural law philosophies.
The more implicit motive forces behind theories of law were summed up in the
memorable phrase of the great American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes as
“inarticulate major premises.” The function of law as a means of social
regulation inevitably entails a conditioning of legal theory by the values
inherent in the structure of any particular society.
Hart has commented on the remarkable
number of formulations which have at one time or another been attached to the
nature of law.[1]
Understood in their context, he says, such formulations can be both
illuminating and puzzling. The light thrown by each on the object of study may
dazzle us so much that other features are simultaneously obscured. Jørgensen[2]
takes this observation a stage further when, after having said that “the
variants have been innumerable in consequence of the fact that the various
authors or schools have emphasized one each of the many perspectives which may
be applied to legal phenomena,” he continues: “To the legal scientist it may
seem natural to consider law as a system or norms, whereas to the politician it
may seem reasonable to take law as a means of governing and to look on the
rules of law as sanctioned orders or imperatives. No doubt it will seem strange
to many at first glance that law has not only none of the firm and closed
contents which most people imagine, but has even no constant form. It is,
however, the general attitude of probably all sciences today that our
perception is sporadic and determined by individual interest, that it is impossible,
therefore, to give an exhaustive description of any complex of phenomena
observed, but that the description will depend on the interest it is to serve
and on the approach accordingly chosen.”
Another Scandinavian writer, Professor
Karl Olivecrona, sheds further light on the problem of defining something which
is certainly not tangible or visible, as is the case with law, and the nature
of which is a first relatively unknown.[3]
“A difficulty immediately appears when we propose to elucidate the nature of
the law. That is how to avoid circularity. Object of inquiry is said to be ‘the
law’ of a modern community. But does not this imply some knowledge of what the
law is? How else could any object of inquiry be designated by this expression?
But then the inquiry seems to presuppose previous knowledge of its object. We
are apparently caught in a dilemma. One seems to be unable to define the object
of investigation without cleary already being familiar with it. Not
surprisingly, therefore, works on the nature of law often begin with a
definition of the concept of law. If a definition of law is not proffered, a
concept of law is usually presupposed as a necessary starting point.” Where,
then, can a starting point be found at which to commence our investigations
into the nature of law? Olivecrona continues: “It should be possible here, as
well as in other branches of science, to define the object of inquiry without
anticipating the result. This means framing the questions without making any
assumption concerning the answer …. The commons language and the content of the
common mind may serve as a starting point for our investigation. We have some
immediate knowledge of things just as people had some immediate knowledge of
the celestial phenomena from which the study of lightning once began. We
therefore have the necessary factual basis from which the inquiry may proceed.”
“The course of the inquiry may be set
different directions. One possibility is to study the common mind itself by
analysing its notions and tracing their history. This could lead to a more
extended knowledge of our ideas concerning ‘the law’ and the language used to
express them. The object of the inquiry could be described as legal ideology.
Another possible course is to go beyond the common mind and ask what empirical
realities we find where the legal notions are applied. This inquiry is not
concerned with ideology but with objective fact …. A third course of inquiry
would be to begin with the theories about the nature of ‘the law’ and try to
ascertain the content of their truth …. Of the three courses of inquiry the
last one offers certain advantages. It is better to start with the more precise
ideas of acute and learned jurist and philosophers than with the more vague
notions of the common mind. The point of departure will then be the present
position of legal theory.”
Though for the moment enlightening. When
the variety of approaches to the analysis of the nature of law is being
considered, the views of Olivecrona will be examined in Chapter Six to see
whether he, too, is not making some unwarranted assumptions.
The problem of the nature of law is
rendered even more remarkable when we are reminded that is has provided a
source of learned discussion among distinguished lawyers and philosophers for
such a very long time-certainly from the early Greeks onwards to the present
day. One writer has offered a solution to at least a considerable part of the
problem of differences in juristic attitudes.[4]
He suggest that variations in approach and some of the major disagreements
amongst jurist are attributable to a failure to appreciate the relationship
between what can be called “law-concepts,” “law ideas” and “law-theories.” The basic concept of a writer's jurisprudence or what, for
that writer, is law, may be called his law concept. Any further explanatory
description concerning the nature of that concept of law which cannot be
deduced or inferred from the law-concept itself is called that writer's
law-theory. A law-idea serves to describe the manner in which a law-concept
functions as a practical guide to action: to entertain the law-idea is to
accept the guidance to action which it entails. On the basis of these
distinctions which may be applied in studying the work of a jurist who is
investigating the phenomenon “law,” the following promotion is advanced: “It is
tentatively suggested that the tendency in jurisprudence is to presuppose one's
own law-concept and to assume that every other writer's law-concept expresses a
law-theory intended to be applicable to one's own law. Other writers' supposed
law-theories are then, on this assumption, readily shown to be defective if not
simply false,''
While not set formula will be used in the followed chapters in the
comparison of differing approaches to the analysis of law, It will be valuable
to remember that the concept of law explicitly or implicitly adopted by any
particular jurist is bound to have a substantial influence on his subsequent
exposition. Though the use of an approach of the type just indicated might
result in and study if applied separately to each analysis of law in turn, its
employment in the overall comparison of differing juristic attitudes may be
fruitful. This particular method of comparative analysis may be beneficial once
the reader has become familiar with a considerable number of the salient points
contained in the analyses of law which will be discussed in the following
Differences of opinion in legal theory are not always explicable in
terms of set analytical formulae. It is conceivable that a jurist or commentator
on legal theory might refuse outright to accept the concepts or explanations of
another as being of any value and base his criticism solely on this ground. One
analysts of law might claim superiority over another simply on the basis of a misunderstanding
of the other's nature and purpose. A theory of law might contain inconsistencies
within itself. A jurist might even set out by posing certain questions and
finish with something, albeit in the form of conclusions, not in fact directly
related to the questions asked.
No formal approach to the assessment and comparison of
contributions to juristic knowledge will be adopted in this book. It would be
misguided to formalise the solution of problems and conflicts which the reader will
ultimately wish to solve for himself. As far as is practicable in an
introductory text such as this, attention will be paid to both similarities and
differences between a number of analyses of the nature of law. If these are
considered each to the exclusion of the
other they: is a danger of missing some notable features of the matter under
A comparative approach to any of legal study which both
compares and contrasts principles and concepts can lead to a better overall
understanding. The exposition of one theory of the nature of law which is set
out against that of another can give meaning and life to both. The following
chapters compare and contrast the approaches of a number of jurist whose
contributions may usefully be considered in relation to one another. A general outline
will be given of each legal theory and particular attention will be paid to the
various ways in which they are related. Though there are some exceptions, the
juristic views to be discussed generally fall into place as a matter of
chronological order. The early natural law doctrines probably represent the
oldest source of legal theory, and the legal consequences of Marxist doctrine represent
one of the most significant major developments in recent legal thinking. On the
basis of the developments to be studied, the reader will, it is hoped, be in a
position to form a balanced assessment of each of the legal theories to be
considered. He may ultimately be enabled to judge whether legal analysis, its
concepts and its methods of analysis, have improved, and if so in what ways. It
is intended that at the end of this process of juxtaposition of legal theories,
the reader will be able to place himself at any stage in the development which
will have been tracers and to see what lies behind him and before him in
perspective. Once the relationship between one legal theory and another has
been appreciated, the reader will be better able to level his own criticism at each
Uses of Analogy
The study of differing analyses of the nature of law
is bound to involve the discussion and comparison of doctrines and concepts which
may be far removed from the experience of everyday life, removed even from the
everyday experience of the law's operation. The device of analogy is frequently
employed by juristic, teachers and students alike in order to expedite the
communication of ideas. Analogies may be used in our present field in order to
liken an idea or concept which is initially difficult to appreciate, to some
other more familiar idea or set of facts. By thus relating one thing or idea to
another, or more usually a set of ideas to a set of things or series of events,
the initially difficult idea appears to become assimilable to something which
seems either obvious or at least more readily understandable. The misuse of
analogies is, however, a danger to any discussion. Analogies can be used to
great advantage in the clarification of difficult concepts and distinctions. Great
comfort may be derived from the discovery of a link between the abstruse
abstract and the familiar concrete. But care must be taken. Whatever may be the
attraction and apparent usefulness of analogies, they are capable of becoming
misconceived in relation to the point to be explained. Even when an analogy is
not initially misleading there remains the danger of arguing-perhaps perfectly
logically-from one facet of the explanatory device to another in such a way as
to distort argument. The point which was originally in need of explanation may
be lost sight of. We should beware of extending analogies beyond their often
restricted usefulness and, conversely, guard against disbelief in an idea which
is being explained by way of analogy merely for the reason that the particular
analogy chosen is not apposite to its purpose.
of Criticism
It has been asserted by some who have studied
aspects of various theories as to the nature of law that one man's opinion on a
particular matter is as good as another's. This may be true, especially in the
evaluation of some very different approaches to juristic analysis. But it is
true only when the assertion is made subject to two important qualifications: first,
the opinions in question should be fully considered and sufficiently reasoned;
and second, it is essential that the one should have understood the import of
the other's views and is in fact dealing with the same problem. One method of
stating the possible causes of confusion has already been mentioned. To assert
that criticisms of other's views should be reasoned and considered may state
the obvious, but such reservations are ignored only at the cost of confusion.
Those familiar with literary criticism will
appreciate the way in which differing standards may be applied when one man
treats the writings of another. Two principal methods may be found by which to
criticise any piece of writing, whether the critic is addressing his assessment
to form, or to content, or to a mixture of the two. The first is two consider
whether the project merited treatment at all, or in the particular context in
which it appeared. The second is to consider whether it achieved the object
intended by its author. When contributions to any field of knowledge, art or
literature are criticised out of hand without regard to the object which the
author set out to achieve, the second form of criticism is ignored at some
cost. When applied to our present field, this latter form of criticism examines
whether a jurist has achieved what he set out to do, in his own terms and on
his own ground. The former method, on the other hand, inquires whether the
object undertaken was justified and worthy of treatment, in terms of the
standards and opinions which the critic held even before encountering the work
which he is now assessing.
This difference in approach indicates
the distinction between subjective and objective analysis. Criticism which is
based on an analysis of the degree of success achieved “on his own ground” by
an author tends to be much more objective than the other method, which may
amount rather to a statement of personal views and inclinations, rather to a
dogmatic assertion of a writer's own views, than to a considered assessment of
the merit of those of another The opportunities for objective assessment are
clearly greater in the case of legal analyses which have much common ground but
which differ in the presence or absence of some further substantial feature, or
in the emphasis which each gives to common constituent elements. In the case of
legal theories separated by wide differences in ideology, the task of both
commentator and student is rendered more complex if the “inarticulate major
premises” mentioned above remain inarticulated.
Terminology of Legal Theory
The language of the law is necessarily
precise and contains a substantial terminology which is not part of everyday
parlance. The language of legal theory also possesses its own special
vocabulary on account of the nature of the phenomena under investigation. No
great problem arises for the student in this respect, for lie will soon become
accustomed to “normative” terminology necessitated by the normative character
of law. The concepts of rule, norm, regulation, power, sanction and
prescription are commonly encountered in legal theory. The terms applied to
method of juristic investigation, such as “realism” or “analytical positivism”
are frequently self-explanatory and will soon become familiar as far as is
necessary. Such classification are, as mentioned, of secondary importance to
what each jurist has actually written.
Concepts at first difficult to
understand because of the mode in which they are expressed can, by elucidation
and exposition, often be reduced to very simple language. But that is not to
say that any science or field of knowledge can avoid its own “shorthand” terms.
One of the obvious benefits of shorthand terms is the avoidance of lengthy
circumlocution. The task of oven the newcomer to legal theory will be eased,
provided of course that modes of expression adopted to describe legal phenomena
are not too cryptic. Once the basic expressions of legal theory are wastered as
they must be, its terminology whether it be applied to theories about the
nature of law in general or to the analysis of particular legal concepts within
it, such as negligence, ownership or corporation, is no more complicated than
that of any other branch of legal study.
However, that is not to say that
expositions of jurisprudence or legal theory are universally reducible to lay
simplicity. The most complex theory of law might be expounded in apparent
simplicity, when in fact over-simplification could result in distortion and
misunderstanding. The ability to reason
well enough, and with sufficient patience, to grasp, the essence of the theory
itself must be added to the mastering of individual terms. Some parts of the
law are more readily understood than others because they relate to more common
experiences of mankind. Legal theory may seem more difficult to comprehend for
the very reason that it often relates to matters which are not part of the
common currency of everyday life-either of the layman or the lawyer, or the law
in Legal Theory
The closing remarks of this chapter have
a bearing also on the observations, made above, upon definitions in legal
theory and upon the terminology involved in its study. Discussion necessitates
a starting point. But initial terms of reference must not be treated as
definitions. Conclusions on the nature of issues to which they relate should
not automatically be deduced from them.
They are neither intended nor, of necessity, well adapted for such a purpose. Nevertheless, since a starting point for discussion is a
clear necessity if any exchange of arguments is to gain momentum, the common
exhortation to “define one's terms” should be treated with some suspicion. One
term must be explained by reference to another, or others, and those will in
turn stand in need of “definition.” The constant definition of terms would
produce an infinite regress. It may be found in the course of a discussion that
new terms might suitably be substituted for old. That is not to say, however,
that absolute definition in the use of concepts and their attendant terminology
must be achieved at the outset of any debate. This may not even be possible,
for there will always be those whose attitudes subsequently diverge.
Words are convenient and indeed necessary for the expression of
thought, and no concept can be communicated without them. But they are not to
be treated as substitutes for thought; they are the servants and not the
masters. To take simple example, if an action in tort for negligence is
dismissed because “there was no duty of care on the part of the defendant,”
that merely states a result. It presents none of the essential reasons which
led up to that result; there is no magic in the terms themselves.
The allegation is occasionally encountered that the discussion of
such and such an issue is “merely verbal,” and verbal arguments are sometimes
associated with accusations of hairsplitting. In any field in which somewhat
complex concepts are examined, a certain accuracy of linguistic usage is
required if a satisfactory account is to be given of the subject-matter.
However, considerations which have to do with words and linguistic usage are by
no means necessarily purely verbal or founded on the quicksand basis of the
words in isolation. Language is our means of expression, but the roots of our
arguments and analyses lie not in the words themselves but in the notions which
await verbal expression.
Despite its title, legal theory relates ultimately to problems of
physical existence, though most jurists insist that a study of physical or
causal relations is insufficient without the addition of a normative analysis
of such relations to account for their specifically legal quality. Legal theory
is not concerned with “mere theorising.” It might, however, fall into this trap
and become an empty form if theory were erected on the inadequate foundation of
preconceived and exclusive definition which pre-empts further fruitful
discussion. The opinion has been advanced that the question whether or not
international law is really law is a merely verbal question and that those who take
differing views on its nature are participating in verbal dispute. The question
whether that form of law is really law seems to some to have survived only
because a trivial question about the meaning of words has been mistaken for a
serious questions about the nature of things.[5]
A study of the character of international law could indeed be
unrewarding if an a priori definition
of the concept of law had already been constructed which would necessarily
exclude that area of regulation. Such a possibility apart, it is very difficult
to agree with the proposition that discussion of its nature is merely verbal.
Whatever terminology is used, the problem of the nature of international law as
compared with that of national or municipal law still remains and deserves explanation.
Practical as well as theoretical questions can ensue, just as they can in
relation to the question whether a thoroughly iniquitous rule merits the
appellation “law.” The issue in the latter example is anything but verbal, for
acute problems of obedience and punishment may arise for solution. Furthermore,
language may be capable of convoying the meaning of the subject-matter to which
it refers only if it is examined in the light of such factors as the ideology
or social environment of the writer whose views are under discussion. What may
appear to be mere niceties of linguistic usage can conceivably affect the
meaning to be conveyed.
Since a straightforward and conclusive method of definition is not
available in our present field, attention must be directed towards greater
accuracy of expression in order to produce a more accurate exposition of the
concepts and ideas themselves. The consequent care which must be taken with
linguistic usage is anything but merely verbal. Words are indispensable tools
for fixing and communicating legal ideas, and even an attack on words must, in the
end, be couched in words.
[1] Hart, The Concept of Law, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1961, pp.1-6.
[2] Jørgensen, Law and Society, Akademisk Boghandel,
Aarhus, Denmark, 1973. Pp. 4-5.
[3] Law as Fact, Stevens and Sons, London, 2nd ed., 1971,
pp. 1-6.
[4] King. “The Concept, the Idea and the Morality of
Law” (1966) 24 C.L.J. 106.
[5] Hart, The Concept of Law, O.U.P. 1961, p. 209.
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